Free Bankruptcy Filing
Although our law firm does not offer free bankruptcy filing services there are a number of organizations around Southern California who can help with questions about completing your bankruptcy paperwork or who will complete all of your paperwork for free. These legal aid organizations have limited availability to assist people and have specific eligibility requirements. If you qualify you may be able to receive free legal advice on filing your bankruptcy case or have your bankruptcy case filed for free. Please be aware that you will still have to pay the court filing fee of $299 for your Chapter 7 bankruptcy, unless you qualify for a fee waiver. The following organizations are located in Southern California and can assist you with filing your bankruptcy case. Depending on the location they may prepare your paperwork or simply instruct you on how to complete the paperwork:
Legal Aid Society of Los Angeles
1102 Crenshaw Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90019-3111
(323) 801-7991
Services: The Legal Aid Society of Los Angeles offers clients free bankruptcy services. People who qualify will have their bankruptcy case prepared by the organization and have the case filed. The document preparation is overseeing by an attorney.
Eligibility: There are specific income eligibility requirements. You must call the organization and provide them with your information to determine if you qualify for free bankruptcy case filing. In addition you must be either a citizen or a U.S. resident and reside within the service area. If you reside outside of the service area that the organization services then you cannot receive services from the organization.
Waiting list: There is a waiting list for the services and the waiting period will vary depending on how many requests they have received prior to you being put on the list. Please contact the organization for further details on waiting times.
Application: If you wish to apply for the services please contact the organization. They will provide you the specific details on what information you need to provide to apply for the services and to determine eligibility. Please be aware that most organizations will not handle complex Chapter 7 bankruptcy cases that involve assets. Most legal aid societies will only handle simple Chapter 7 bankruptcy cases.
Legal Aid Society of Orange County
Santa Ana Office
2101 N. Tustin Ave
Santa Ana, California 92705
Norwalk Office
11834 E. Firestone
Norwalk, California 90650
Services: The Legal Aid Society of Orange County offers free bankruptcy assistance through their Bankruptcy Clinics at their Santa Ana and Norwalk locations. The bankruptcy clinics are held monthly. At the bankruptcy clinics an attorney will walk you step by step on completing your bankruptcy paperwork. After the bankruptcy clinic you will complete the paperwork at home and come back for a follow up appointment where an attorney will review the paperwork. The attorney will not be representing you in your bankruptcy case, but simply assisting you to file pro per (on your own).
Eligibility: There are specific income and residence eligibility requirements. You must reside within the service area of Southeast Los Angeles and Orange County to be eligible for the services.
Application: To apply for the services you must call the hotline to determine if you are eligible for the services. If it is determined that you are eligible to receive free bankruptcy assistance, then you will be placed in the next available bankruptcy clinic date.
Please be aware that the bankruptcy clinic will only assist with simple Chapter 7 bankruptcy cases and will not handle complex bankruptcy matters.
Inland Counties Legal Services
715 N Arrowhead Avenue Suite 113
San Bernardino, CA 92401
(909) 884-8615
Free Bankruptcy Workshop being offered
Clients should call 951-320-7510 to see if they qualify
Eligibility Requirements: They help low income people who must be US citizens or have legal status & must have at least $10,000 in debt or greater. Once they meet the criteria, they also have to meet any of the necessary requirements to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
Services, if you Qualify: If you qualify, then you are advised to take part in a seminar which takes place every Thursday between 2pm – 5pm during which you get general information regarding bankruptcy. Other options such as debt consolidation etc. are presented to you. You will have an opportunity then to meet with an attorney who will prepare your paperwork, file your bankruptcy case and represent you at the 341 hearing.
Waiting List: There is no waiting list per say, however, there is only 1 attorney handling bankruptcy issues within Riverside and San Bernardino counties so they can handle a maximum of 10 people per clinic.