The bankruptcy automatic stay protects debtors from collection efforts from the IRS and Franchise Tax Board. Bankruptcy stops collections from the IRS and FTB.
New Appeals Court Ruling Protects California Vehicles Used in Business
Under new bankruptcy court ruling, vehicle liens can be avoided if the vehicle is a tool of the trade, and the lien was created other than to purchase it.
Increased California Exemptions Protect More Assets in Bankruptcy
Increases in California’s bankruptcy exemptions help protect more assets when filing for bankruptcy in California. You can protect more property when filing for bankruptcy.
How Can Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Save Your Business?
Chapter 13 bankruptcy can help you to continue to operate your business while being protected from creditor action.
Can I Keep My Retirement If I File for Bankruptcy in California?
If you need to file for bankruptcy in California, will you be able to keep your 401K, IRA or retirement. In most cases the answer is yes.
Can I Keep My Car If I File For Bankruptcy in California
Keeping your car when you file for bankruptcy in California depends on the equity and exemptions available to protect your vehicle.
10 Big Reasons to See a California Bankruptcy Attorney to Save Your Home
How can a California Bankruptcy Attorney’s advice help you save your home. Find out the options that are available to protect your home.
Protecting Social Security Income From A Bank Levy
Social security and supplemental security income can be protected from garnishment. New federal regulations help protect your directly deposited benefits.
The Automatic Stay in a Chapter 7 vs. Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Is the automatic stay the same in a Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy? The type of benefits that that the automatic stay offers depends on the bankruptcy you file.
What Is A Chapter 7 Asset Case?
When there are unexempt assets in your Chapter 7 bankruptcy that the trustee can liquidate to pay creditors,then it is considered a Chapter 7 asset case.
The Effect of Recent Prior Bankruptcy Filings on the “Automatic Stay”
Does the automatic stay apply if you have had a prior bankruptcy filing? The automatic stay may be limited to 30 days if you have had a prior bankruptcy filing.
What Happens to My Tax Refund in a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
If you file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, will you be able to keep your tax refund? This will depends on the exemptions available and the timing of your filing.