What can you do if you have recent credit card charges or cash advances and you need to file for bankruptcy. Will these debts be discharged?
After Acquired Interest Not Part of The Bankruptcy Estate
An after acquired interest that is related to an asset of the bankruptcy estate is not necessarily party of the bankruptcy estate. It depends on a number of factors.
Chapter 13 Plan Can Delay Payments to Secured Creditor If No Objection
A Chapter 13 Plan can delay payments to a secured creditor if the creditor fails to objection. A Chapter 13 plan can be confirmed with delayed payments to secured creditors.
No Discharge Needed to Lien Strip Mortgage
A discharge is not needed to lien strip a mortgage in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy. A lien strip becomes complete upon completion of the plan.
When Can I Buy a Home After Foreclosure?
After a foreclosure you will generally have to wait 3 years to qualify for an FHA loan. In some cases the lender may grant an exception in the following circumstances…
When Can I Buy a Home After Bankruptcy?
You will need to wait at least 2 years from the date of your Chapter 7 bankruptcy discharge to qualify for an FHA loan. There are a few exceptions that may allow you to purchase a home sooner.
Lien Stripping Allowed in Chapter 20
Homeowners Can “Strip” Wholly Unsecured Mortgage Liens Under Chapter 13 Even If the Case Is Filed Too Early to Receive a Discharge
Employer Can Discharge Debt Owed to Employee Benefits Trust
Employer Owing $500,000 for Failing to Pay into an Employee Benefits Trust Fund Can Discharge that Debt in a Personal Bankruptcy
Don’t Lose the “Automatic Stay” By Multiple Bankruptcy Filings
The protection of the automatic stay can be lost through multiple bankruptcy filings. How can you keep or impose the automatic stay for multiple filings.
10 Ways Bankruptcy Solves Tax Problems
Tax debt issues can be resolved through bankruptcy. A bankruptcy gives you the ability to discharge taxes, stop a tax garnishment, and set up a repayment plan.
In Bankruptcy, Is Jointly Titled Property Community Property?
In California, when one spouse files for bankruptcy, is the non-filing spouses interest in jointly titled property part of the bankruptcy estate?
Chapter 13 Can Help Your Co-Signer and Protect Them
Help Your Co-Signer by Protecting Them and Paying Their Debt in Full While Paying Little or Nothing to Your Other Creditors, through Chapter 13