The short answer is YES under the right of setoff if you owe that same bank or credit union on a credit card or loan. When you have a savings or checking account with a bank or credit union it is very common to apply for credit cards or loans with that same financial institution […]
Can Tax Refund Be Taken If I Owe On A Military Star Card
If you are in default on your military star card then the federal government may take your tax refund to pay your military star card.
How to Keep Your Tax Refund During Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?
You may be able to keep your tax refund in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy. If certain unexpected expenses emerge you may be able to request permission to keep your tax refund.
What Happens to My Tax Refund in a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?
In most Chapter 13 bankruptcy cases you will not be able to keep your tax refund during the life of your plan. You will have to contribute your tax refund to your Chapter 13 plan.