What can you do if you have recent credit card charges or cash advances and you need to file for bankruptcy. Will these debts be discharged?
Can Tax Refund Be Taken If I Owe On A Military Star Card
If you are in default on your military star card then the federal government may take your tax refund to pay your military star card.
Can Stores Enforce Their Credit Card Security Agreement in California
Can a Store Credit Card repossess the items you purchased when you did not have notice of the security agreement. .
Can Stores Repossess What You Bought With The Store Card?
If you granted a store card or a credit card a security interest, then they may be able to repossess the items you purchased.
Can The Bank Take Money From My Account to Pay What I Owe Them?
Your bank or credit union may have a right to take money from your bank account if you owe them money. What should you do to protect yourself
How Does the Statute of Limitations Work for Debt?
Do you still owe a debt if the statute of limitations has expired? What do you need to do if you are sued and the statute of limitations has expired?
What is the Statute of Limitations for Debt in California?
The statute of limitations for most debts in California is 4 years from the date of last payment or the last charge on the account.
What to Do If You Receive An “Order to Appear for Examination”?
A creditor can use an “Order to Appear for Examination” to require you to personally appear in court and answer questions about your income and assets.
Ways Creditors and Collection Agents CAN / CANNOT Contact You in California?
In California creditors and collection companies must follow federal and state laws when attempting to collect a debt. These laws prohibit creditors from doing certain things.
Four Potential Steps against Creditor Violating Fair Debt Collection Law
In California, there are several practical steps you can take if a creditor or collection agency violates federal or state debt collection laws.
What Stops a Creditor from Making Me Pay after My Bankruptcy is Finished?
A discharge in your bankruptcy case prevents a creditor from any attempt to collect on a debt that has been included in your bankruptcy.
Can A Credit Card Put a Lien On My Home? Judgment Liens
Credit card companies may be able to place liens on your home. Before they can place a lien on your home they must follow certain steps.