A discharge in your bankruptcy case prevents a creditor from any attempt to collect on a debt that has been included in your bankruptcy.
How to Stop a Bank Levy in California
If you have a current bank levy you can stop the bank levy by filing a claim of exemptions or filing for bankruptcy protection. These are some of the steps.
Can A Credit Card Put a Lien On My Home? Judgment Liens
Credit card companies may be able to place liens on your home. Before they can place a lien on your home they must follow certain steps.
Special Considerations for California Seniors Considering Bankruptcy
California seniors are filing for bankruptcy in higher rates. What is driving the increase in seniors filing for bankruptcy in higher rates.
Debt Considerations for California Seniors Filing Bankruptcy
Before filing for bankruptcy senior citizens must consider what assets bankruptcy can protect and what debts it can help to eliminate.
The Effect of DOMA Being Struck Down – Same-Sex Marriage and Bankruptcy
The benefits and drawbacks in bankruptcy from DOMA being struck down as unconstitutional. How will this benefit same-sex marriages in bankruptcy?
Can The Bank Take My Money to Pay My Debt? The Right of Set-Off
Your bank may have the right to withdraw money from your bank account to pay a debt owed to them. This is called a right of set-off.
California Wildcard Exemption in Bankruptcy – How Is it Used?
In California there is a wildcard bankruptcy exemptions that allow you to protect and keep property in bankruptcy. How does this wildcard work?
The Important Concept of “Fraudulent Transfers” Explored in a New Appeals Court Ruling
A new appeals court ruling on fraudulent transfers looks at what needs to be examined when determining “reasonably equivalent value” in a transfer.
Saving Your Home from Foreclosure through Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Filing for Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy can help you save your home from foreclosure. Each chapter provides different advantages for saving your home.
Two Important Changes to Bankruptcy Dollar Amounts
Important changes to bankruptcy may affect your ability to file Chapter 7 bankruptcy and the length of time you are required to be in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
Stopping Collections from the IRS and FTB through Bankruptcy
The bankruptcy automatic stay protects debtors from collection efforts from the IRS and Franchise Tax Board. Bankruptcy stops collections from the IRS and FTB.