Avoid paying any relatives or friends any money you owe them prior to filing for bankruptcy. The money may be taken away from the relative or friend if you paid them prior to filing for bankruptcy.
What Can You Do If you Paid a Relative Money Before Filing for Bankruptcy?
If you paid a relative or friend any money owed prior to filing for bankruptcy, then you may need to wait to file for bankruptcy. You may also be able to use a defense to this preference.
Can You Eliminate Checking, Savings Account Debts in Bankruptcy?
Debts that you owe to your checking and savings bank can be eliminated in most cases as part of a bankruptcy.
How Does the Statute of Limitations Work for Debt?
Do you still owe a debt if the statute of limitations has expired? What do you need to do if you are sued and the statute of limitations has expired?
Refinancing Your Mortgage After Bankruptcy
How to deal with refinancing your mortgage after bankruptcy.? What can you do when your lender refuses to refinance your mortgage after bankruptcy?
Advantages and Disadvantages of Reaffirming a Mortgage in California
Reaffirming a mortgage in California has several advantages when it involves your first mortgage. It can had several disadvantages when it involves a second and third mortgage.
Reaffirming Personal Property Other Than Your Vehicle
When should you reaffirm a debt for personal property such as jewelry and furniture. Will the creditor seek to repossess the personal property if you fail to reaffirm the debt.
Pay Less For Your Vehicle In A Chapter 13 Cramdown
A cramdown in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy can help you pay less then what you owe for your vehicle, reduce your monthly payments and interest rate.
Do I Have to File Personal or Business Bankruptcy?
Whether you have to file for business or personal bankruptcy, will depend on the structure of your business and your personal liability for the debts.
Can You Discharge an SBA Loan in Bankruptcy?
In bankruptcy you can eliminate many types of business debts including SBA loans. Even though it is a government based loan it can still be discharged in bankruptcy.
What is the Statute of Limitations for Debt in California?
The statute of limitations for most debts in California is 4 years from the date of last payment or the last charge on the account.
How to Keep Your Tax Refund During Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?
You may be able to keep your tax refund in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy. If certain unexpected expenses emerge you may be able to request permission to keep your tax refund.