Many creditors or debt collectors state that you cannot eliminate a debt in bankruptcy. They need to have a basis to challenge the discharge of a debt.
Bankruptcy Does Not Write Off Criminal Fines or Restitution, But It Can Help.
Bankruptcy will not eliminate criminal restitution or criminal fines, but it can still help if you have been charged with a crime.
Discharging Debts from a Divorce
Can debts from a divorce be discharged as part of a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy?
Bankruptcy Can Help You Avoid a Tax Lien
Filing for bankruptcy can stop a tax lien from being filed by either the IRS or the state.
Pre-Bankruptcy Steps to Take to Eliminate Tax Debt
What pre-bankruptcy steps can you take to eliminate and discharge tax debts from the IRS and state. Filing your taxes on time and avoiding fraud are just a few steps.
Largest Consumer Protection Settlement in US History
Are you entitled to receive money from the mortgage fraud settlement. If your home was foreclosed on between 2008 and 2011 you may be entitled to some money.
Can You Protect A Co-Signer or Co-borrower in a Bankruptcy?
Does a bankruptcy protect a co-signer, co-borrower, or co-debtor in a bankruptcy? Can creditors still go after your co-signer after you file for bankruptcy.
Can You Reverse a Home Foreclosure After the Sale Date?
Can you reverse a home foreclosure sale? If your home has been foreclosed is there any way to get your home back. Filing for bankruptcy may offer a solution.
Do You Qualify to File Chapter 7 or Chapter 13?
What criteria determines whether you can file a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy case. Do you qualify to file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy?
The Effect of Recent Prior Bankruptcy Filings on the “Automatic Stay”
Does the automatic stay apply if you have had a prior bankruptcy filing? The automatic stay may be limited to 30 days if you have had a prior bankruptcy filing.
Can You Discharge Taxes in a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
Are federal income taxes and state income taxes dischargeable in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Income taxes can be discharged if they meet certain requirements.
What Happens to My Tax Refund in a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
If you file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, will you be able to keep your tax refund? This will depends on the exemptions available and the timing of your filing.